THE WATER DIVINER: Movie Info And The Story


THE WATER DIVINER is an extraordinary tale of love, faith and heroism.The Water Diviner centers on Joshua Connor  an Australian water diviner that saw his three sons leave to fight in a war.

The Water Diviner is not only a cinematographic masterpiece of rare beauty. It is a powerful statement of tolerance, a testimony of endless hope and love.

THE WATER DIVINER: Movie Info And The Story

The cinematography by Andrew Lesnie showcases the beauty of both the Australian Outback and Turkey. You’ll feel very much, that you are in these places that are being shown.

Most of the visuals of Turkey tend to enforce what tourists might already know of it, the bazaars and the Blue Mosque

Throughout Joshua's poignant quest, there are flashbacks: Joshua reading to the three boys from the Arabian Nights, protecting them from a fierce dust-storm, and then the three young men, still boys, really riding off on their horses into a war they cannot even begin to imagine the horrors of, believing that what they’re going towards is their certain glory rather than death.

There are the flashbacks to battle scenes, the brothers fighting together, facing bullets for each other.Scene of a battlefield that is now effectively a graveyard, there’s a sound of steady moaning from men not yet dead.The sound of souls lost to everything but pain.

Ultimately, The Water Diviner is a film about love and families and friendships and the extraordinary things you’re willing to do for them.
THE WATER DIVINER: Movie Info And The Story

Movie: ............................The Water Diviner
FORMAT........................  MP4
CODEC..........................  X264
GENRE..........................  Drama / War
FILE SIZE....................... 811.45 MB
RESOLUTION................   1280*536
FRAME RATE................   24 fps
LANGUAGE..................... English
RUNTIME........................111 mins
IMDb rating: ..................7.4 (21,774 votes)
Writers..........................Andrew Knight, Andrew Anastasios


Russell Crowe           Joshua Connor
Olga Kurylenko         Ayshe
Yilmaz Erdogan         Major Hasan
Cem Yilmaz              Jemal
Jai Courtney             Lt Colonel Hughes
Dylan Georgiades      Orhan
Steve Bastoni           Omer
Isabel Lucas             Natalia
Megan Gale              Fatma
Ryan Corr  Art


   Based on the book of the same title, the film begins with lone, a tough Australian bush farmer  farmer Joshua Connor (Russell Crowe) out in the vast, desolate Australian Outback. Connor has a special gift, he is an Australian water diviner. Possessed of mystical powers, he can divine the presence of water underground,  a precious gift in a land prone to long spells without rain. His three sons, the youngest only 17  had all enlisted to serve with the Allied Forces during World War. During the Battle of Gallipoli, the fight between the Allies and the Turkish forces for control of the Gallipoli peninsula during the final days of the Ottoman Empire. However, once the fighting ceased, the boys didn’t return home, all three are presumed killed in action.With seemingly insurmountable obstacles in his path, Connor must travel across the battle-scarred Turkish landscape to find the truth and his own peace.
    Four years after the war, Connor and his wife Eliza (Jacqueline McKenzie), are struggling to keep up the pretence that the boys will be back some day. Unable to bear the loss of her children and unable to cope with her grief, his wife commits suicide but not before entreating Connor to find the boys and bring them back home. He vows that he will bring back their bodies back to Australia to be buried on consecrated ground with their mother.
    And so Connor leaves one beautiful land for another, from the desolate open stretches of the Outback, he heads to the crowded, colourful streets of Constantinople, Turkey, the site of his sons’ last stand at the Battle of Gallipoli. Meanwhile in Gallipoli Major Hasan Bey and his aide Sergeant Jemal(Cem Yılmaz) arrives at a request of the British War Graves Unit to help them locate their fallen.
THE WATER DIVINER: Movie Info And The Story
    Hoping to learn the fate of his three sons who have failed to return from the Battle of Gallipoli, but his quest is thwarted by the hostility and snivelling incompetence of British military, which has embarked on a campaign to bury the casualties, Joshua has to rely on help from the very people that his sons fought against, and his only reliable ally is his gift in order to bring them home. Here he finds shelter at a hotel in Istanbul run by the recently widowed Ayshe (beautiful, young, spirited, played by Olga Kurylenko),whose husband was killed in the war. When Connor contacts the British consul, he is told that Gallipoli is off limits and he is forbidden to travel there.As Joshua becomes closer to Ayshe's son Orhan (Dylan Georgiades), Ayshe warms to the rugged Australian after she learns of his loss the reason he is in Turkey. Ayshe tells her how to get to Gallipoli without permit.She advises him to bribe a fisherman from a local village and get to Gallipoli by boat. Connor makes the journey and arrives in Gallipoli only to be met with more resistance.The ANZACs (allies) are engaged in a mass burial detail and all civilians are forbidden. Detained at arrival in Gallipoli, Joshua doesnt go back to Istanbul but instead stays on the beach. Major Hasan (Yılmaz Erdoğan), a Turkish officer assisting the ANZACs, persuades the ANZAC  Lt-Col Cyril Hughes (Jai Courtney) to prioritize helping Connor with his search, due to him being "the only father that comes looking for his sons".The ranking officer Lt.Col. Hughes then welcomes Joshua to search for his sons in the field. On an excavation day Hasan walks with Joshua retelling the chronology of a battle night there. Through flashbacks, it is revealed that Arthur got injured returning to his trench. As Henry and Edward ran to his rescue, the Turkish army machine gunned them, instantly killing Henry and badly wounding Edward. Connor walks the battlefield reminiscing about his sons, and somehow was able to locate the place where they were gunned down.
THE WATER DIVINER: Movie Info And The Story
   The soldiers uncovered the bodies and Joshua sees one of the skulls with a bullet hole. Finding a skull shot at the back of the head, a soldier provoke Joshua into attacking Hasan but is stopped. Hasan instead then reveal an information that Art may still be alive and was taken prisoner to Istanbul. At this point, Joshua heads back to Istanbul to attempt to find which prison camp Arthur is transferred to, but is unsuccessful. As he turns to the British consul for help, he is told that he will be removed from the country for ignoring their words and traveling to Gallipoli.
    Joshua returns to Ayshe's hotel, Ayshe tells a local fortune telling game of coffee to Joshua, but when the game is done she refuses to tell the coffees premonitions about him. Meanwhile the audience learns that her brother-in-law Omer is pressing her to marry him.Ayshe tells him she needs more time to decide, he loses patience and tells Orhan that his father was killed in the war. An angry Ayshe slaps him, and he begins to attack her.Joshua steps in to help Ayshe as her husbands brother Omer, starts hitting her. Ayshe lashes out at Joshua, blaming him for making things worse and tells him to leave. As Joshua leaves the hotel, Omer and a few of his friends gang up on him, only to be stopped by Hasan's subordinate, Sergeant Jemal. Jemal brings Joshua to Hasan, who explains that the Greeks have invaded and they are going to defend their country as the British are not intervening. Hasan tells an info that Art maybe taken to Afyon. Joshua realizes they are going through the region where his son might be staying at. Joshua returns to the hotel to retrieve his bag that he dropped earlier when he was attacked by Omer, there Ayshe apologizes for her earlier words and they spend the evening chatting over dinner.
THE WATER DIVINER: Movie Info And The Story
As the British comes to escort Joshua back to Australia, he sneaks out of the hotel to evades capture and joins Hasan and Jemal and the Turk Army to infiltrate to Afyon in the Anatolia. But the group is ambushed by the Greeks on the way and almost all of the Turkish soldiers are killed, the only survivor are Jemal, Hasan and Joshua (thanks to Hasan telling the assailants that Joshua is an Australian prisoner and their ally).As a Greek officer prepares to execute Hasan and Jemal, Connor intervenes and successfully saves Hasan.Jemal dies to protect Hasan and Joshua, who then run on horses.The two flee and come across a town where they spot a windmill, which Joshua saw in his recurring dream. He investigates further and finds his son alive but badly traumatised. Arthur reveals that at the end of the battle, after Henry lies bleeding in agony for hours, he pleaded with Arthur to end his suffering, and so he then shot his younger brother Henry. Believing he had caused his brother's deaths, Arthur felt he could never return to his family. Art refuses to go with him due to his guilt over his brothers death. The Greeks have arrive and start to shell the village. Hasan bids them farewell. Art rushes to a hill top to show an escape path to Joshua.Wracked with guilt, Arthur refuses to follow his father, but changes his mind when Connor said if he leave his son behind, he would have nowhere else to go. They successfully evade the Greek army and return to Ayshe's hotel.  Ayshe who isnt surprised about him coming back.Saying she knew its in the coffee few weeks back.The film ends with Ayshe making a very sweet cup of coffee for Joshua.