WAYS OF MAKING THINGS MUCH BETTER: Guyabano Tree (Soursop) also Known as the Graviola Tree, a Miracle Cure for Cancer?

Guyabano Tree (Soursop) also Known as the Graviola Tree, a Miracle Cure for Cancer?

   Guyabano tree or Soursop (Anona Muricata) is a fruit bearing tree popular in the Philippines and other nearby countries. Guyabano tree or Soursop is a tree that grows about five to seven meters high. It bears a pear-shaped fruit that is green in color and has soft spines. The tree is able to adapt to the tropical climate and could be found in most countries in Southeast Asia. It produces fleshy and fibrous fruit which is very effective in the cure of many health conditions.

Guyabano Tree (Soursop)  also Known as the Graviola Tree, a Miracle Cure for Cancer?

Some studies have proven its benefits in curing diabetes, cancer and other major health problems of human around the world. Believed to be excellent in curing internal parasites and other bacterial problems in the body. There are also studies that claim guyabano to be good for those who are suffering from herpes simplex infections, liver problems, and even hypertension. There are many Medicinal Benefits of Guyabano. In fact, not only the leaves are beneficial to health. The bark and fruits are all effective in curing several major diseases naturally. Most people prepare a decoction (leaves boiled in water) of its leaves for curing ailments. Others eat its fruits directly or make a shake with flavored. Whatever the form, the important thing is its medicinal benefits.

Here are some of the Medicinal Benefits of Guyabano:


One of the best Medicinal Benefits of Guyabano Leaves is the boost of the body’s energy level. Those who always feel tired or weak Guyabano leaves or fruits are essential in boosting the energy of our body. It is rich in sugar, thiamin and potassium which are all essential nutrients in boosting the body's energy. This is an organic energy which doesn't cause negative side effects to the body.

Urinary Tract Infection

Guyabano fruits are rich in Vitamin C which is very effective in preventing Urinary Tract Infection. Vitamin C increases the acidity of the urine , reducing the presence of germs. It has also an essential role in boosting the body's immune system.


Guyabano is rich in iron which is essential in preventing blood related diseases such as anemia, a condition of the body which characterized by lack of healthy red blood cells. Anemic people consider taking iron supplements but it is still natural to obtain it from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Digestive Problems

When it comes to digestive problems Soursop (guyabano) is also excellent in preventing constipation and other digestive conditions such as colon related diseases. People who wish to lose weight in a natural way, no need to take laxatives since guyabano is effective in relieving constipation. Also rich in fiber which is essential for the overall health of the digestive system.


Fresh fruits and vegetables are all essential in reducing the body's bad cholesterol level. Soursop (guyabano) is rich in Niacin which is essential in increasing the body's good cholesterol level. It is an essential diet to include for individuals who have a high cholesterol level in their body.

Leg Cramps

Guyabano is also rich in potassium which is effective in relieving rheumatism and leg cramps. Lack of potassium in the body can cause weakness. The potassium content of Guyabano is half in bananas.

Skin Infection

The leaves of Guyabano (Soursop) is also effective in curing acne, to prevent scarring of wounds, inflammation and other common skin problems. The leaves need to be crushed or pounded to make it like a warm paste and applied to the infected area of the skin. It is really important to consider natural fruits for the prevention and treatment of common diseases of the body. Natural fruits are widely available in the market at very cheap prices. Consider on a regular basis guyabano fruits partnered with fresh vegetables are perfect healthy diets.

Miracle Cure for Cancer

   In addition to this guyabano has awesome healing power in twelve types of cancer, including breast, lung, pancreas, prostate, lung and colon cancer. Studies were made by leading pharmaceutical companies, medical institutes and universities of the healing properties of guyabano against cancers.They found out that certain compounds and chemicals extracted from guyabano fruit, seeds, bark and leaves appear to kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells remain unaffected.Unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately targets all actively reproducing cells (such as stomach and hair cells), much like antibiotics indiscriminately destroying all gut bacteria, good and bad causing the often devastating side effects of nausea and hair loss in cancer patients.

  Studies show that the compound extracted from  guyabano (soursop) is 10,000 times much more potent in slowing the growth of cancer cells than adriamycin, a commonly used drug in chemotherapy. Research further shows that extracts from guyabano as a cancer cure do not cause hair loss, weight loss or severe nausea, and the patient feels stronger during the treatment compared to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Further analysis consider it is safe and effective natural cancer killer which has the ability to kill cancer cells and preserves the healthy cells at the same time.
   In English, the fruit is known as soursop  and the tree is known as the Graviola tree in Portugal. In Brazil the fruit is known as pawpaw and guanabana in Spain and corossol in France.
Guyabano Tree (Soursop)  also Known as the Graviola Tree, a Miracle Cure for Cancer?
   The graviola tree grows naturally in warm tropical areas like in Philippines,in Jamaica, South America and other parts of the Caribbean where it is known for its medicinal qualities. All parts of the guyabano like leaves, bark, fruits, seed and roots are natural cures for many kinds of ailments. Aside from being a natural cancer treatment, guyabano is a sedative, a tranquilizer and a nerve tonic. By lowering blood pressure, guyabano has a calming effect on our moods.

Additional trivia about the medicinal benefits of guyabano (soursop):
.  That the leaves can be used as a cure for gall bladder trouble as well as fever, coughs, diarrhea, indigestion and dysentery.
.  In Netherlands, guyabano leaves are placed inside pillows or placed on top of the mattress to induce a good night's sleep due to its sedative and tranquilizing properties.
.  That the seeds can be used in the treatment of vomiting.
. That the crushed fresh leaves applied to skin eruptions hastens healing.
.  That warmed paste from pounding the leaves can alleviate rheumatism and reduce fever.
.  That the leaves boiled in water is effective for as a wet compress for swollen feet and other inflammation
.  That the juice taken when fasting is reported to relieve liver ailments and leprosy.
.  That the leaf decoction is effective for head lice and bedbugs.
.  That pulverizing the seeds mixed with soap and water is an effective spray against armyworms, leafhoppers and  caterpillars.
 .  That guyabano juice is considered prevention to some common diseases such as fever, because of its Vitamin C content.
 .  That  guyabano contains copper, mineral that promotes the absorption of bone benefiting calcium to have stronger bones, and prevents us from having osteoporosis and other known bone disorder.
 .  That guyabano contains riboflavin, which could help with headaches or migraines.
 .  That guyabano offers you fiber which helps you rationalized your digestive process and avoid from some digestion disorder as well as reduce your appetite from craving.
 .  That folate is present in soursop fruit which prevents deficiency in pregnant women in order to prevent pregnancy loss.
 .  That boiled guyabano leaves tea is a powerful anti inflammatory.Research studies have also shown that the tea contains natural substances which kill cancer cells. Helps killing tumors which have shown resistance to a variety of drugs and were especially effective against lung, prostate and pancreatic cancers.
 .  That extracts from the leaves of this plant have a positive effect on lifting depression.Extracted compounds that are found in the plant help to calm the nerves.
   Guyabano is not just an ordinary fibrous fruit with a delectable flavor (a sweet-acidic taste). It is a healthy food. The flesh of the fruit is high in carbohydrates and has considerable amounts of vitamins C, B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin and niacin), iron,phosphorus, calcium potassium and dietary fiber. These substances found in guyabano are enough for anyone to consider loving the fruit even if they are not cancer-stricken.
   These are the claims to fame of the guyabano tree, a wonderful gift of our Lord to us. Anywhere where the blessed fruit abounds, you can just drink the juice, make a tea from boiling the leaves and bark or eat the fruit if you believe any of these medicinal benefits of guyabano (soursop).


There’s really no exact procedure on how to prepare Graviola Tea aka Sour Sop (Guyabano or Babana in local dialect) or drinking boiled Graviola leaves as a natural remedy for hypertension, dysmenorrhoea, stomach ache, diabetes, and other medical conditions.The process  is simply a combination of what I’ve read from the Internet and also from our family friend and from a trained health worker. USE MATURE BUT NOT TOO OLD LEAVES. AIR DRIED LEAVES ARE BETTER THAN FRESH LEAVES BECAUSE IT CONCENTRATES THE MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF THE LEAVES MAKING IT MORE EFFECTIVE. DON'T ALSO DO SUN OR OVEN DRY BECAUSE TOO MUCH HEAT WILL COOK THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF THE LEAVES, THUS LOSING ITS POTENCY.
Guyabano Tree (Soursop)  also Known as the Graviola Tree, a Miracle Cure for Cancer?

Easy steps in preparing Grioavla (Sour Sop / Guyabano / Babana) Tea
1. Wash
Wash 15 pieces of Graviola leaves.
2. Cut
Cut the leaves into strips about in 1 inch width and put in a small or medium-sized pot.
3. Boil
Pour in about 1.5 liters of water, and bring to a boil for 15 minutes.
4. Steep
Turn off heat and let the boiled concoction steep for 15 minutes.
That’s it!

The color of the liquid is initially dark orange, but it turns to a deep wine red after sometime.
Here’s your tea… enjoy!
Guyabano Tree (Soursop)  also Known as the Graviola Tree, a Miracle Cure for Cancer?



*It should only be taken for 30 days. More than that, it will destroy the normal flora.

*After 30 days, have yourself checked by your doctor to examine if the disease is still there. If the symptoms is still there, taper the dose to maintenance dose.

*If the symptoms disappear before the 30 day treatment, continue taking the tea to make sure that no single sick cell is present.

30 day treatment, 3x a day, one glass 30 minutes before meals no skipping.



***Don't mix the tea with other healing substances to avoid incompatibility.

*** Dont overuse the tea. Follow the procedure.

Additional Information for Graviola Tea Preparation

Some sources advise on drinking the Graviola tea within 8 hours, while others practice storing some of the boiled liquid in the refrigerator and heating it before drinking. We used to keep the liquid in the refrigerator, as it is quite tiresome to boil regularly, but after reading some sources saying that the tea loses its potency after 8 hours, we decided to immediately consume within the specified time limit whatever we prepare just to be sure.

The liquid is basically tasteless. You can add sugar or sweetener, lemon, calamansi and other flavor enhancers if you wish. Or add two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and sugar for a sweet drink with a hint of sour taste.

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 All content provided on this WAY OF MAKING THINGS MUCH BETTER(WOMTMB),"comanuels.blogspot.com", including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes blog only. Blog's owner makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. In connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others, always seek the direct advice of your own doctor or consult with your trained health practitioner for any health or medical issues.