Alkaline water is water with a pH greater than 7.0 The pH of water is the difference between how much hydrogen (h+) water h as and how much hydroxyl (oh-) water has. Water is H+OH- or H2O. If you add minerals with more H than OH the pH goes down. If you add minerals with OH- then pH goes up. An equal amount of H+ and OH- will give you a 7 pH. If water has more OH in it then it is alkaline. Water with less then 7 pH is acidic. Alkaline water is water that’s less acidic than regular tap water. This implies it is rich in alkalizing compounds, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, silica and bicarbonate.


Alkaline Water 

   Any water can be made alkaline by adding minerals to it. Take faucet or tap water or bottled water and place baking soda in it and raise the PH over 7.0 thus making it alkaline, but it will not have any health benefits and may even be harmful.There are likewise products which purport to make alkaline water pretending alkaline ionized without using the water electrolysis process.
These “alkaline water sticks” or “alkaline water filter systems” are basically just mineral adding filters cleverly marketed as a revolutionary new device which will give the same health benefits as alkaline ionized water from water ionizers. Their claims are untrue.These devices only raise the PH of the water through addition of minerals, just like adding baking soda to tap water, they are not processing any of the beneficial properties which the water electrolysis process does. Adding high levels of baking soda or any PH raising chemicals is dangerous and causes health problems like kidney stones and other diseases.

Alkaline Ionized Water

ALKALINE IONIZED WATER OR ALKALINE WATER MACHINE PROPONENTS CLAIMING FOR ALKALINE WATER BENIFITS   Alkaline ionized water is created by the process of water electrolysis inside the water ionizer machine. This is most often tap water that is put through an electrical machine that often runs the water over titanium and platinum plates. This process causes the exchange of some titanium and platinum ions that makes the water increase its pH and became more alkaline . The machine also has a carbon filter in most cases to remove some impurities.
   All of the medical research done which gives confirmation of alkaline water benefits has been done on the “alkaline ionized water” which comes from the water electrolysis processes like that inside the water ionizer machine. Water passes over positive and negative electrodes, that ionizes the water inside water ionizer machine. It is then separated into alkaline and acidic water as it passes through membranes.One output is the alkaline ionized water and the other output is the acidic ionized water. All water ionizer machines have always two water streams coming out when the machine is in use. This is accomplished by repelling the water now that it has been “charged” into positive and negative ions.

Naturally Alkaline Spring Water

Spring water passes over rocks in the earth and picks up various minerals, that affect its pH. Natural good spring water usually has a slightly alkaline pH of about 8 or even 8.5, but not much more. The water from the machines is often much higher, up to 12 or 13 above. This is not healthful. Alkaline spring water and some well water is high in  magnesium and calcium, which are excellent for one’s health. Alkaline water machines , by contrast, is artificially made to be alkaline by blending the water with a small amount of titanium and perhaps platinum, both of which are supremely toxic metals, particularly platinum.

   Proponents of alkaline water believe that drinking water that is alkaline will help neutralize acid in the bloodstream, prompting to increased oxygen levels as well as increased energy, metabolize nutrients more effectively,and expel toxins more efficiently than regular tap water,directing to better health and performance. However, there were no solid data supporting these alkaline water’s use.
   Several health writers maintain that the key to health and longevity is the management and disposal of acidic waste materials. Alkaline ionized water can be rich in alkaline minerals, though of course it depends upon on what's in your tap water to start with. The alkaline minerals such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, nickel and zinc help make your body more alkaline and remove toxic acid wastes from your body.
   Another claim is that ionized alkaline water gives you an additional source of oxygen, given in a body-friendly way. The effect is the same to deep breathing exercise or sleeping in fresh air. Oxygen is a vital degenerative disease treatment and anti aging therapy.Insufficient oxygen leads to numerous degenerative diseases.
   If alkaline water is helpful, it might be due to the minerals it contains rather than its pH level, per se.
Data do indicate that consuming alkaline or “hard” water can increase overall body alkalinity. However, this may not always be a benefit. For instance, if someone has a kidney condition, or is taking a drug that alters kidney function, a percentage of the minerals in alkaline water could begin to accumulate in the body. For these individuals, high alkalinity might lead to negative side effects.

The pH balance of the body is very important, wherein most people’s bodies are too acidic at the cellular level. It doesn't matter if the urine, saliva or other fluids test alkaline. But it matters in most cases if the site of metabolism which is body cells, are too acidic. This predisposes or makes one prone to many metabolic imbalances and illness including cancer. Making it reasonable for drinking alkaline water, is that it will correct this important physiological imbalance. That's why proponents of alkaline water claim for these Alkaline Water Benefits

1. Antioxidant Properties
Water that is alkaline has antioxidant properties that help by counteracting free radicals. These free radicals can cause untimely aging and other types of conditions. The antioxidants are in the form of liquid which allows for quicker absorption into the system. These benefits are significantly true since alkaline water has anti-diseases and anti-aging properties. It is likewise believed that in this water for drinking there are certain elements that will aid in developing cancer resistance.

2. Physical Appearance Benefits
Along with the body cleansing of the inner systems, alkaline water likewise rejuvenates the skin and keeps it hydrated. It helps the skin in replacing tissues, as well as it contributes to its elasticity and the overall health of the skin. Likewise it will help with detoxifying the skin and making it to look smoother and prompting to fewer breakouts. When the balance in pH is held under tight restraints by eating good food, nutrients can be more readily assimilated by the skin. This adds to a younger more youthful and more energetic look. Water that is alkaline helps in your objectives for weight loss by the breakdown of fatty essentials in food. It can likewise be seen and utilized as a natural suppressant of appetite since it has no calories yet is able to leave you satisfied and invigorated. These physical improvements combined will make you feel  younger and revitalized.

3. Cleansing Features
Other claims benefits of alkaline water are that it will cleanse the organs, the colon in particular. As this unclean development in the colon continues, it inevitably gets to be poisonous and in some cases deadly. Using alkaline water, will easily remove this fecal material. It will eliminate build up that is weeks or even years old and this prompts to a more thorough and effective process of elimination. This helps diminish the recurrence of constipation and other unhealthy issues. If you drink it regularly (daily) and maintain the system cleansed and as long as in good working order you will become less susceptible to stomach colds, flu, viruses and other illnesses that are fairly common.

4. Other Health Benefits
Other features of water are that it also lubricates muscles and joints to help with ceasing injuries. This helps individuals who are prone to sprains or who may suffer from arthritis. As well as lack of hydration can harm organs such as the heart to work harder. Organs don't need to work as much nor expend the energy to maintain functioning when they are clean.
   There are some studies making the suggestion that alkaline water can help slow bone loss but further research is needed to decide if this has any influence overall on bone mineral density and if the benefit can be maintained over the long term.
   Proponents of this type of drinking water claim cures ranging from hair loss to cardiovascular health; the list is nearly endless (and devoid of sound, scientific support). The only malady that we don't see on the cure list for alkaline water is the reversal of global warming---but don't hold your breath, that may be added as well, and soon. Anecdotal evidence supports some of those claims. But however, clinical research has not been able to validate all these benefits, no solid data supporting alkaline water’s use. Until we learn more, stick to tap water and supplement with mineralized water if you like.So far, water with naturally occurring minerals seems to be your best bet as an alkaline water source not the alkaline water machine.

   Right now, it’s not clear from the available evidence whether alkaline water does us any good. There’s no hard data either way.  People drinking alkaline water won’t hurt. So unless you experience the ill effects of kidney issues, you might consider adding some alkaline water to your diet at your own risk.

   Do not consume alkaline water with any other additives, medicines or other supplements. The alkaline water is reactive, and when mixed with a drug or other chemical compounds can form potentially dangerous by-products.

   You should store ionised water in sealed glass bottles rather than plastic bottles, because alkaline water is reactive it can react with some plastics. It likewise reacts with the air and loses its ionization if it is left exposed, but still the alkaline minerals stay. Bottled water makers say their brand of water is pure, but still they are putting it in plastic bottles that release chemicals into the water content. Particularly when they stored them in hot areas exposed to the sun.
   All plastics are derrive from petrochemicals by products of petroleum industry. Most petrochemicals are among the cancer-causing chemicals known to be present in foods and beverages stored in plastics. Bottle alkaline water can absorb these petrochemicals. So, when you drink the liquid, you may likewise drink the chemicals. They drastically alter the body’s endocrine system, hampering with the natural production of hormones. This can increase a person’s risk of cancer.Putting alkaline water in toxic plastic bottles defeats the purpose of drinking healthy alkaline water.

   Alkaline ionized water is beneficial due to its ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) that makes it an alkaline and an antioxidant. The lower the ORP, the better. The antioxidant last approximately 18-24 hours. The alkalinity will be gone approximately 1-2 weeks. The smaller cluster size of molecule of its water will last approximately 1-3 months. So you see, bottling alkaline water makes no sense, because  after 24 hours the antioxidant power is gone. The High pH last after two weeks.There are some bottled water makers who put an expiration date on their bottled water and bottles. While “expired” unopened bottled water isn’t going to do you any harm, either it isn’t going to get better with age.

   Even if they would store alkaline water in glass bottles, it doesn't make a difference on the grounds that alkaline water doesn’t benefit you unless you drink it within the time target. For best results for your health, keep yourself away from bottled alkaline water and drink your alkaline ionized water immediately after you pour it from your own alkaline water machine.

   In the case of alkaline water that is naturally, there is no issue in drinking it anytime or everyday.Since alkalinity is a result of naturally minerals such as calcium and magnesium, the body is capable of using these minerals if needed and discarding them or storing any excess. Drinking alkaline water that is naturally, will not make anybody become too alkaline.

  It is exceptionally strange that supposedly knowledgeable nutritional experts do not realize that the use of alkaline water dilutes both the digestive acids in the stomach but also strains the pH stability of the blood. Dilution of the strong acidic composition of digestive fluids results in the inability of the body to properly break down proteins and carbohydrates, resulting in purification of these materials and the accumulation of toxic wastes which can create a variety of health problems.

   Any simple study of body pH will illustrate that acidity is caused by the failure to remove metabolic residues from cells or extracelullar fluids. Once that acidity is removed by a cleansing or hydration activity, the body's pH returns to a normal balance. Failure to remove the acidic residues from cells(where metabolism occurs) results in a portion of these potentially toxic acids being placed in new cells when cell division(mitosis)takes place. Thus, the acidic condition is propagated from cell to cell and continues to provide a condition where more serious illnesses could develop. Some promoters of alkaline water start out by emphasizing the need for more water intake and then very subtly moving into alkaline water discussions.
    Much of the acidity of the body is due to an eating routine that is too high in sugars, cereals, grains and beans. Most people’s high carbohydrate natural food diets and refined food diets are the worst. Due to their peculiar mineral content all of these foods have an acidic reaction in the body. Red meats additionally have a more acidic reaction due to other factors such as their high iron content and the bacteria needed to digest them properly.Even eating some fruits today seem to have an acidic reaction. This is because of their fruit acids content, their higher sugar content, their unbalanced mineral content today due to hybridization, and genetic modification. However,many fruits are still alkaline forming.
Kelps are large seaweeds 
   The only way to truly balance the body is to replenish the alkaline reserve minerals. In order to do this, one must eat a lot of cooked vegetable  each and every day. The cooked vegetables, and perhaps some mineral supplements, when carefully chosen such as kelp (large seaweeds), can and do supply the alkaline reserve minerals. Natural spring water also supplies some alkaline minerals, as does good quality sea salt. The body can be slowly remineralized by using these on a daily basis. This is the way how to do it, by not drinking artificially alkalinized water.