The name ginseng is used to refer to both Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), which belong to the genus Panax and have a somewhat similar chemical contents. Both Asian and American ginseng contain ginsenosides (substances that are thought to give ginseng its medicinal properties), despite the fact that they contain different types in different amounts. On the other hand, Siberian ginseng or Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus), are entirely different plant with different effects.They are distantly related to ginseng, but they do not contain the same active ingredients.


Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)

   Siberian ginseng is a shrub that can be found at the foot of cliffs and in oak groves and in the past, has been used to prevent colds and flu. It’s also a powerful energy booster and used for longevity and vitality.It’s frequently used in Russia as an “adaptogen.” An adaptogen is any substance that can prevent or reduces yhe effects of physical and mental stress. It is largely used as an energy tonic in China and has been popular since then. It has been used for about two thousand years.
   Siberian Ginseng  is a cheap and abundant weed that grows in many areas. Two different species are used, acanthopanax senticosus and eleuthrococis senticosis. Even though it’s known as Siberian Ginseng, it’s not related to Korean or American ginseng in any way. It contains no saponins.  Ginsenosides or panaxosides characteristic of Panax ginseng are not found in the roots of Siberian ginseng. It does contain  components  called  They are active compounds thought to stimulate the appetite and enhance the memory.  It will give you a boost of energy and enable you to work harder and longer.These are what imparts it’s medicinal benefits.

Benefits of Siberian ginseng 

Siberian ginseng is a plant used throughout history in China and Russia. As a herbal remedy, the root of Siberian ginseng is known to stimulate the immune system, increase energy and reduce fatigue. Chinese herbalists use the skin of the root of this plant mainly to treat Bi-Syndrome (arthritis).

This herb is a powerful immune system booster. Those people who take it regularly seldom get sick. Helping the body fight off illnesses like the common cold, flu and others. There is little chance for good health, without a strong immune system. That’s why taking Siberian Ginseng does such a great job at keeping people healthy and sound. Worth taking it for this benefit alone.

Because of it’s concentration and memory enhancing effects, college students preparing for exams often taken it. It seems to help make learning a new subject easier and organize thoughts.

This herb is also very popular with athletes, as it increases concentration strength and endurance. No big surprise it is used by the Olympic athletes in Russia, and also their cosmonauts in space. This benefit is very important to anyone who has to endure hard and long mental and physical  tasks.

Siberian Ginseng is very popular with individuals experiencing from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other forms of weariness. It has the ability to relieve tiredness of the mind and body. But this isn’t something that happens overnight. This herb should be taken regularly.

Siberian Ginseng regulates energy, nucleic acid and protein metabolism in the tissues of the body. When the body experiences stress, a substance in the blood is produced. This substance interferes with the cells normal activity. Siberian ginseng counters this process and allows to act normally the body’s cells. Basically this implies that Siberian ginseng controls the most essential processes of energy production in the body and helps send energy where it’s required most.

The adrenal glands are very essential to good health. The body uses them to aid the immune system, regulate energy levels and regulate metabolic functions. The eleutherosides found in Siberian Ginseng brings these glands back into balance and helps them to work more efficiently.

This type of ginseng is likewise very beneficial to the circulatory system. It helps in distributing oxygen and other important nutrients efficiently to the brain and body. It also helps maintain healthy blood circulation.

Some people used to believed that this herb is a remedy for low sperm count in men. It likewise enhances motility in men. It also boosts hormonal health and improves the reproductive capacity for women.

Warm in nature, pungent and bitter, it acts on kidney and liver channels.   Being warm for dispersing cold and tonifying kidney and liver, muscles and tendons, bitter and dry for eliminating dampness, pungent for dispersing exopathogens, the herb is suitable for syndromes of prolonged wind-dampness disease, deficiency of liver and kidney, asthenia of muscle, muscular spasm. Supplements are available in  solid and liquid extracts, capsules, tablets, powders and tea form.

 American ginseng  (Panax quinquefolius)

   The American ginseng  plant has leaves that grow in a circle around a straight stem. Yellowgreen umbrella-shaped blossoms grow in the center and produce red berries. And the wrinkles around the neck of the root tell how old the plant is. This is essential because American ginseng is not ready for utilization until it has grown for about 6 years. It is very expensive and is endangered in the wild. At present it is being grown on farms to protect wild American ginseng from over-harvesting.


   Though it can't boost Original Qi, American ginseng does have other very useful properties. This herb strongly nourishes the Yin and generates fluids. Individuls who are dry or hot due to yin or blood deficiency will probably benefit from its properties.

   Like Asian ginseng, American ginseng is a light tan and gnarled root that regularly resembles like a human body with stringy shoots for legs and arms. Native Americans used the root as a stimulant and to treat  fever, indigestion, infertility and headaches. This herb is bitter and slightly sweet in flavor, cold in nature, and acts on the kidney, heart and lung channels.

   Ginseng is sometimes called an "adaptogen," a herb that helps the body deal with various kinds of stress, although there is no scientific evidence to prove the benefit of adaptogens.

   Don’t confuse American ginseng with Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) or Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng). The three have different medicinal effects.
American ginseng Benefits

American ginseng is used  to boost the immune system, as a general tonic and stimulant and for stress reliever. American ginseng is considered to be a stress reducer, a normalizer and energizer. The word panax comes from the Greek word panacea meaning, “all healing”.It is traditionally used to negate the effects of stress and fatigue. It is often used as a general health tonic to enhance a person’s physical and mental performance.

It’s a powerful “adaptogen”. An adaptogen is a substance that reduces the effects of any kind of stress, be it mental or physical. The roots must be no less than  four years old to be beneficial. The older the root, the more useful it is.

It has a very beneficial effect on the adrenal glands and other organs of the body such as the kidneys. Adrenal glands secrete hormones important to the reduction of emotional and physical stress. It is beneficial to those suffering from anxiety and depression.

American ginseng contains potent antioxidants, helping to enhance the action of the immune system. It is thought that individual taking it may experience less sickness.

American ginseng is often used to fight infections such as flu and colds. There is some evidence that it might help prevent flu and colds and make symptoms milder when infections do occur.

The American ginseng is used for other infections such as HIV/AIDS, infections of the intestine (dysentery), and particular infections (Pseudomonas infections) that are common in people with cystic fibrosis.

Some people make use of American ginseng to enhance digestion and for loss of appetite, as well as for  inflammation of the colon (colitis), vomiting and inflammation of the lining of the stomach (gastritis).

Since this type of ginseng helps to regulate levels of blood sugar, it will be helpful to people with diabetes. Individuals taking American ginseng before meals kept post-meal blood sugar levels in the normal range.

American ginseng is also used for diabetes, nerve pain, trouble sleeping (insomnia), low iron in the blood (anemia),  erectile dysfunction (ED), fever, hangover symptoms, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), blood and bleeding disorders, cancer, painful joints, dizziness, headaches, convulsions, fibromyalgia, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), memory loss, and as an anti-aging aid.

American ginseng likewise listed as an ingredient in some soft drinks. Extracts made from American ginseng such as oil are used in soaps and cosmetics.

Asian Ginseng (Ginseng Panax)

   Ginseng is a perennial plant composed of about eleven species that grows in the cold regions of Northern Hemisphere. Different species are defined by the location where it is found.  Ginseng panax,  known as the Asian ginseng, are particularly found in Korea, Japan and northern China. American ginseng are found in Northern America while Siberian ginseng are found in Eastern Siberia.It is also known as Oriental Ginseng, it is prized because, it alone can strengthen the Original Qi.The Original Qi is the vital energy with which we are born. When we have  Qi, we are alive. When it's gone, life is gone.
   Additionally, ginseng has been proven to extend endurance, making it a favorite of many athletes.
   Ginseng is sweet and slightly bitter in flavor, slightly warm in nature, and acts on the heart, spleen and lung channels. It can strongly invigorate the original Qi (yuan qi), quickly restore collapse and slowly tonify the deficiency. It is the first important herb to treat collapse due to extreme deficiency of original Qi caused by overwork. It invigorates spleen-qi and lung-qi, promoting the production of the body fluids s. When the original Qi is invigorated the nervous system is calmer. Therefore it can treat palpitations and insomnia.
   Most studies have used Panax ginseng (Asian ginseng). There is some evidence that Panax ginseng may help boost the immune system, reduce risk of cancer, and improve mental performance and well being.
Ginseng panax is a slow growing plant that can reach about a foot in height. It has five palmately compound leaves that grow in a circle around a thick spindle like straight stem. Ginseng leaves are oblong-ovate and finely double-serrate. Ginseng Panax has yellowish-green umbrella-shaped flowers that bloom by mid summer. Ginseng fruits are bright crimson berries containing one to three seeds at the size of a small pea and are edible.
   Ginseng panax are highly valued for the medicinal properties of its roots and sometimes of its leaves. Ginseng panax roots are gnarled sometime resembling a human body. Because of its peculiar shape, traditional healers believed that it is has health benefits for the entire body. Ginseng root has to mature to about 4 to 6 years before it is considered for harvesting and use. The roots are fleshy, brownish-yellow in color about 2 to 4 inches in length and about ½ -1 inch in thickness. Ginseng root has a faint aromatic smell that tastes somewhat like licorice or ginger with bitter after taste.
   While the most prized ginseng are those that are found in the wild, ginseng has been commercially produced either grown as undergrowth in forests, or shaded by mats in an open field. Ginseng are prepared in three forms, the sun dried ginseng, the red ginseng that is prepared by steaming then drying, and the white ginseng that is prepared by removing the outer skin and then boiled, soaked in syrup then dried.


 Health Benefits Of Ginseng Panax

Ginseng panax has been part of the Traditional Oriental Medicine for over 2,000 years as a panacea for all illness. There are many claimed traditional health benefits derived from ginseng panax that some has recently been confirmed through scientific research while others need further investigation. Some of these traditional health benefits are as follows;

Ginseng panax is used as a general tonic or as an “adaptogen” that benefits the whole body and improves overall health by relieving stress, increasing stamina, prolonging athletic endurance and promoting a feeling of well being.

Ginseng panax provides mental and brain health benefits. Medicinal uses include improvement of memory and concentration, treatment for dementia and Alzheimer’s desease. Ginseng panax benefits the mind by promoting calmness and clarity that is beneficial for fighting mental stress, anxiety, depression and mental psychosis.

Ginseng panax benefits the immune system by fighting infections and as treatment for inflammations. It is also used for chronic fatigue syndrome.

Some people believe that ginseng panax benefits cancer patients as well as ginseng can prevent the development of liver cancer, ovarian cancer and skin cancer.

And also ginseng panax benefits women by helping them to regain strength and health after child birth or miscarriage. Ginseng is also used to alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome  and menopause.

Other ginseng benefits include treatment for fever, anemia, asthma, bleeding disorders, loss of appetite, dizziness, headache, nerve pain, joint pains, nausea, sleeping disorders, convulsions,

Among the many health benefits of ginseng panax, the most popular is its ability to slow down aging.


   It was a traditional belief that panax ginseng  benefits for men include treatment of erectile dysfunction and as topical preparation applied on the penis’ skin to treat premature ejaculation.While siberian ginseng is a herb which improves and enhances libidinal urges  of women. And this herb improves sexual health by enhancing the vitality of men and women base on belief.
   Though some reacted on this belief that it was just a myth of ginseng. Ginseng does NOT boost sexual performance. Ginseng is a wonderful herb with many fine properties, but despite all you read on the web, ginseng has no effect on libido or sexual performance. The supposed sexual enhancement of ginseng is a legend without foundation. There are three types of ginseng. Chinese medicine classifies ginseng according to the type and its properties. But no variety of ginseng will increase sex drive or sexual performance. Though there are Chinese herbs, such as Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium), that DO boost sexual performance, ginseng is not one of them according to research made.

How  Does It Prepare For Consumption

    Ginseng may be used by grinding and made into tea or by boiling the root in water (called a decoction). It may also be extracted in alcohol (called a tincture) or put into capsules that contain the pulverized root. It is also sold as a liquid extract.

Roots Quality And Pricing

  • Big roots are better than small ones. Thick roots are preferable to thin roots

  • Old roots are more prized than fresh ones.

 • Roots that resemble a human form are more valuable than those that do not.

 • Ginseng roots gathered from the wild are far more costly than those cultivated on a farm. Wildcrafted roots will not contain traces of the fungicides which are used on cultivated roots.

   • Siberian ginseng is cheap, and should cost only a fraction of what Oriental or American ginseng costs.

  • Strong characteristic taste and smell also indicate the strength of Ginseng roots.