Cough is one of the most common health problems. At the point when there is a blockage or irritant in your upper air passages or throat , your mind thinks a foreign element is present and tells your body to cough to remove that element. A cough is an action the body takes to get rid of substances that are irritating to the air passages, which convey the air an individual breathes in from the nose and mouth to the lungs. Cough happens when cells along the air passages get irritated and trigger a chain of events. The outcome is air in the lungs is forced out under high pressure. A person can choose to cough as in a voluntary process, or the body may cough on its own as in an involuntary process.


Coughing can also be due to a viral infection, flu, common cold and smoking or health problems such as tuberculosis, asthma and lung cancer.Coughs are just terribly uncomfortable all around, both physically and otherwise. Some of the symptoms of a cough are congestion, itchy throat and chest pain.

There are several different types of chronic  cough.

A dry or hacking cough is a cough that does not produce any phlegm or mucus, is irritating to the throat and lungs and may be a sign of a viral infection or sinus problems. This is one we do want to stop. It can be caused by the aftermath of a cold, dry air, allergies, a random tickle at the back of your throat that won’t go away, being in a dusty environment. For these we turn to demulcent, an ingredient that soothe irritated mucous membranes and remove the irritant triggering the cough.

A productive cough or wet cough is one in which you are coughing up phlegm or mucous(sputum), and depending on the color, may indicate a bacterial infection.Common causes of wet cough include asthma and infections. The coughing expels fluid from the lower respiratory tract.This is not a cough that should be suppressed, as your body needs to free itself of the gunk that’s in your lungs and chest. If it shouldn’t be suppressed, some of these cures will address a productive cough by including an expectorant, or something that relaxes mucous and makes it easier for the body to get rid of.

A stress cough is a reflexive spasm of the airways brought about when you are  emotionally feel anxious. It is not generally related to infections and  usually produces no mucus.

A croup cough or barking cough is a disease that causes a barking and harsh sound. It is a dry cough that can sound similar to a seal barking. It is usually found in children. Children with croup have a swollen upper trachea, or windpipe and may be associated with viral infection. This swelling beneath the vocal cords, causes the croup cough. A child with croup, when breathing in may make a high pitched sound, better known as stridor.

Whooping Cough is also known as pertussis. Child with whooping cough will have signs and symptoms same as common colds, however gradually the cough becomes worse, with severe attacks, fast coughing, particularly at night. The frequent coughing seizures are generally a series of 5 to 15 staccato coughs in quick progression. After coughing, the child will inhale deeply, sometimes making a whooping sound. Fast coughing can lead to breathing problems and the child can look somewhat blue because of the temporary shortage of oxygen. A cough that causes a whooping sound after the cough may be indicative of a serious infection and should be evaluated by a doctor.

   Common causes

Acute coughs have been divided into noninfectious and infectious causes.

Signs and symptoms that indicate to a noninfectious cause include coughs that occur when a person is exposed to certain chemicals or irritants in the environment, coughs with wheezing, coughs that routinely worsen when an individual goes to certain locations or do certain activities, or coughs that improve with inhalers or allergy medications.

Signs and symptoms that point to an infectious cause include body aches,fever, sore throat,chills, nausea, vomiting, headache, sinus pressure, runny nose, postnasal drip and night sweats.  Phlegm or sputum sometimes indicates an infection is present, however it is likewise seen in noninfectious causes.

The signs and indications of the chronic cough can be hard for doctors to assess, because of the fact that numerous of chronic cough have overlapping signs and symptoms.

.If a cough is  identified to environmental irritants, it will exacerbate when exposed to the offending agent. If an individual has an environmental allergy, the cough may enhance when using allergy medications.
.If a person has a smoker's cough, it may worsens with increased smoking and improve if they stop smoking.
.If a person has a chronic lung disease such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis or asthma, they may have a persistent cough or cough that worsens with certain locations or activities. A person may or may not have sputum with a cough, and usually have improvement with the use of oral or inhaled  steroids, or other inhaled medications.
.If a cough is caused by chronic runny nose, chronic postnasal drip or chronic sinus infections, the individual will often have the signs and symptoms associated with these conditions. An individual may also notice that the cough worsens when his or her problem worsens, and usually the cough will improve when the underlying problem is treated.
.If a cough is associated with medications, such as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, the cough frequently starts after starting the medication in question, but can come on at anytime during the use of the medication. Usually the cough is  dry and improves when the medication is stopped.
.A cough associated with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is often associated with a sensation of heartburn. This cough worsens during the day or when lying flat on the back. Moreover, a sizable minority of people with a cough brought about by GERD will note no indications of reflux, but most individual will report improvement in their cough when GERD is treated properly.
.If a cough is a warning sign of an underlying cancer, the individual may have a group of symptoms. If a cancer of the air passages or lung cancer is present, the individual may cough up blood. Signs and symptoms that may warn of a cancer include  loss of appetite, unexplained loss of weight, worsening fatigue or decreased ability to swallow solid or liquid foods.

Cough Treatment

The treatment of a cough depend to a great extent on its severity and underlying cause.The treatment is directed basically on decreasing the cough and treating the underlying cause.

Symptomatic alleviation of cough can be given by over-the-counter or prescription cough remedies. Severe coughs or coughs that interfere with sleep may need remedies that include narcotic medications. In case these are prescribed, avoid driving,avoid alcohol and avoid operating any heavy machinery while using the medication.
If a bacterial infection is suspected the doctor will often prescribe antibiotics.Individual suspected of having a viral infection won't benefit from antibiotics, and received treatments directed to their symptoms only. People with weakened immune systems and elderly people or people with severe bacterial or viral infections may require admission to the hospital to manage the underlying problem.
The treatment of a chronic cough will also be directed at treating the underlying condition. It is vital to recognize that treatment may be troublesome, may employ numerous approaches, and may not totally eliminate the cough.

If the patient has a cough caused by environmental irritants, smoking or allergies, he or she will benefit from getting rid of the offending substance. It may take a period of time or several weeks for the doctor to assess the reaction to this approach because of the length of time required to repair damage to the lungs and air passages from the offending agent.
If the patient has a lung disease, this person will need ongoing therapy to treat the condition. Therapies used will depend to a great extent on the type of disease. Different treatments are often used at the same time to help reduce symptoms. Careful adherence with the treatment will be important to help slow down the progression of any disease and to diminish symptoms. In situations where home therapy fails and symptoms worsen, the patient may require hospitalization so that additional or more intensive treatments may be attempted.
If the patient's cough is suspected to be caused by a medication, the patient will show improvement when the medication is stopped. At the point when this happens, the cough may take up to a couple of weeks to resolve. Change of medication may be needed to replace the one the patient stopped taking.
If the patient is suspected of having a cough caused by GERD, the patient will need treatment to reduce the amount of acid reflux from the body. This is typically done with medication and diet changes . Successful treatment may take longer time, and multiple therapies may be required.

Natural Home Remedies

Studies conducted  found that the main ingredients in cough syrup (diphenhydramine and dextromethorphan) have the same effectiveness in treating coughs as a placebo ingredient. Instead of turning to chemical solutions for every minor ailment , try these some simple home remedies. These taste a whole lot better than most cough syrup too!

Natural Home Cough Remedies for Chronic  Wet Coughs

Oregano leaves ( Scientific name: Coleus aromaticus Benth)
Boil chopped fresh leaves (1 cup) in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes.
Adults: 1/2 cup, 3 times a day
Children: (Babies) 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day
(2-6 yrs.) 2 tablespoon, 3 times a day
(7-12 yrs.) 1/4 cup, 3 times a day

Lagundi leaves ( english: Five leaved Chaste tree)
Boil  6 tablespoons of chopped fresh leaves or 4 tablespoons of chopped dried leaves 6 tablespoons of chopped fresh leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes.
Adults: 1/2 cup, 3 times a day
Children: (Babies) 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day
(2-6 yrs.) 2 tablespoon, 3 times a day
(7-12 yrs.) 1/4 cup, 3 times a day

Alagaw leaves ( Scientific name: Premna Odorata Blanco)
Boil 1 cup of chopped fresh leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes and drain. Squeeze in 2 calamansi.Add 1 tablespoon sugar
Adults: 1/2 cup, every 4 hours
Children: (Babies) 1 tablespoon,every 4 hours
(2-6 yrs.) 2 tablespoon, 4 hours
(7-12 yrs.) 1/4 cup, 4 hours

Kantutay leaves and flowers ( english: Coronitas)
Boil 1 cup of chopped fresh leaves and flowers in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes.
Adults: 1/2 cup, 3 times a day
Children: (Babies) 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day
(2-6 yrs.) 2 tablespoon, 3 times a day
(7-12 yrs.) 1/4 cup, 3 times a day

Mansanilya leaves or flowers ( english: Indian chrysanthemum)
Boil 1 cup of chopped dried leaves and flowers or 1-1/2 cups of fresh leaves and flowers in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes.
Adults: 1/2 cup, every 4 hours
Children: (Babies) 1 tablespoon, every 4 hours
(2-6 yrs.) 2 tablespoon, 4 hours
(7-12 yrs.) 1/4 cup, 4 hours

Natural Home Cough Remedies for Chronic Dry Coughs

1. Gargle Salt Water

A popular remedy for sore throats is salt water. Salt water  can facilitate the discomfort brought about by a cough the same way it helps a sore throat through osmosis.The water flows out of the cells to balance everything out, if the concentration of salt is more than outside of the cells in mucous membranes.Swelling goes down as water leaves the cells and at the same time discomfort is lessened. If you have a cough that happens to come along with aggravated tissue, this is a good route to take. It can likewise help remove any phlegm that’s hanging out and allow you to expel it easily.

You will need…

-1 teaspoon of salt
-8 ounces of warm water


Dissolved salt into water. Stir it until thoroughly dissolved. Gargle it for at least 15 seconds, spit, and repeat with the remaining water. Afterwards rinse with plain water.

2. A Spoonful of Honey

Studies conducted have found that honey can work more efficiently to calm a cough than over-the-counter medications. It is a rich demulcent, with a high viscosity and stickiness that does an incredible job of coating and soothing those irritated mucous membranes. This is due to an enzyme added by bees when they harvest honey. It has also antibacterial properties as well, that may help shorten how long you have the cough if it is due to bacterial illness.
This is a good alternative remedy for both children and grown-ups, but should never be given to kids less than 2 years old  due to the risk of botulism.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon of organic, raw, honey


Take 1 tablespoon of honey 1-3 times everyday as needed to control coughing. Consume immediately before bed if cough is disrupting your sleep. For kids, you can adjust the dosing to 1 teaspoon up to one tablespoon.

3. Steaming

I can’t say how underrated steam is when it comes to anything dealing with a  cold, congestion or cough. Not only does the steam truly relax or loosen phlegm  and mucous, almost immediately, but you can add numerous essential oils that will impart wonderful healing benefits. These benefits such as anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral do become airborne, so one can inhale them while breathe in the steam. For this particular blend include both tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, which can help open and soothe air passages as well as help fight off a virus or bacteria .

You will need…

-3 drops of tea tree oil
-1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil
-A bowl of water
-A soft, clean, towel


Fill a medium size-heat proof bowl and bring enough water to a boil to halfway. Pour the water into it, allow it cool slightly for 30-60 seconds, then add the essential oils, giving it a quick stir to release the vapors. Bend over the bowl and get as close as you can while still being comfortable. Always bear in mind that steam can seriously burn! Use the towel to cover your head like a tent,catching the steam, and breathe deeply. Do this for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

4. Licorice Root Tea

Licorice root is both demulcent and an expectorant, simultaneously soothing your airways while                     thinning and loosening mucous and facilitating clogging. It can likewise ease any inflammation that may be irritating your throat. Glycyrrhizin, its main constituent, is responsible for most of its effects. Thirty to fifty times sweeter than table sugar or sucrose. It inhibits an enzyme called 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. This 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase regulates access of glucocorticoid (a steroid hormone) to steroid receptors, reducing the conversion of cortisol to cortisone. This multiplies the effect of cortisol and reducing inflammation. If you have any problems with your kidneys, or if you are on steroids it is best to steer clear of licorice root.

You will need…

-2 tablespoons of dried licorice root
-8 ounces of fresh water


Bring water to a boil and place the licorice root in a mug. Pour with boiling water and steep for 10-15 minutes. Drink the entire cup up to two times every day.

5. Pepper & Honey

Black pepper is the world’s most traded spice, however the majority of its use is limited to the culinary world. What individuals don’t know is that it can make a great remedy for coughs that are accompanied by a lot of chest congestion or mucous. If  accidentally leaned too close to black pepper while it’s being grinded, it can make you cough or tickle your nose. It may not be fun on a regular basis, but it’s a plus if you need to oust all the awful stuff that’s gunking up your lungs. To make it so that pepper isn’t too irritating add honey and its antibacterial properties. One can make black pepper “syrup” with honey, or a tea, as below. Use freshly ground black pepper if possible, as the pre-ground pepper simply seems to lose some of its punch.

You will need…

-1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
-1 tablespoon of honey
-8 ounces of fresh water


Place the pepper and honey in a mug and then cover with boiling water. Stir to disperse the pepper flakes and melt in the honey. Let it cool for 10 minutes, stir again, and drink in its entirety. Drink 1-2 times a day as needed to loosen mucous.

6. Ginger Peppermint Syrup

Here you get the soothing qualities of warming ginger, packaged up in a delicious easy to drink cough syrup. Ginger works as an expectorant, helping expel and loosen mucous from the lungs. It can stop the painful tickle at the back of throat that trigger a cough, if you are experiencing a dry cough. The peppermint will likewise help soothe the irritating tickle of a cough.

You will need…

-3 tablespoons of chopped ginger
-1 tablespoon of dried peppermint
-4 cups of water
-1 cup of honey


Chop the ginger and add it along with the peppermint to 4 cups of water. Boil and then lower the heat so that the liquid simmer, until the liquid has been reduced by half, then strain or filter it.
Cool it slightly, and after that mix in 1 cup of honey until it has been dissolved totally. Bottle it and take one tablespoon every few hours as needed to ease your cough. Keep it refrigerated for up to 3 weeks.
Other alternative is to chew fresh raw ginger on and off throughout the day to reduce your cough.

7. Tea Thyme

Thyme has been used for considerable length of time, and was even used during one of the most devastating pandemics to take place in mankind's history. During there was a plague and other incidents of plague thereafter in Europe from 1346-1353, townspeople would gather to burn large bundles of thyme to ward off the disease and to avoid the infection, or carry pockets of thyme on them. Thyme does have anti-microbial properties. It relaxes the muscles of the bronchi and trachea, and also opens up air passages. The result is increased comfort and less coughing.

You will need…

-a handful of fresh thyme sprigs OR 2 tablespoons dried thyme
-8 ounces of fresh water
-Honey or lemon (optional)


Lightly bruise the thyme, e.g. with a mortar and pestle, and after that place in a mug. Pour with 8 ounces of boiling water, cover, and let it cool for 10-15 minutes. Put some lemon or honey to taste, and drink the whole thing. Consume 2-3 times daily as needed. It’s totally  delightful just before bedtime.

8. Hot Milk with Honey

Hot milk with honey can relieve a dry cough and reduce chest pain you may be experiencing from continuous coughing. Drink it before going to sleep for best results. For added benefits from the analgesic properties of honey, consume a teaspoon of plain honey on empty stomach. It will help clear the mucus and soothe your throat.

9. Lemon

Lemons can be used in a variety of ways for curing coughs. They provide a dose of infection-fighting vitamin C and also have properties that reduce inflammation.
A simple cough syrup can be made by combining one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Drink this healthy syrup several times a day.
Another approach to use lemons is to mixed lemon juice with a little honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper and then drink it.

10. Garlic

Garlic has both antimicrobial and antibacterial components that help treat coughs. Boil two to three cloves of garlic in a cup of water and add a teaspoon of oregano. Let it cool to room temperature, put some honey and drink it. It will help your breathing and alleviate other cough symptoms.

11. Turmeric Powder

Boil half a cup of water in a boiling pot. Put one teaspoon black pepper, and one teaspoon turmeric powder. You may also add cinnamon sticks. Heat up this for around two to three minutes. Put one tablespoon of honey. Drink this everyday until the condition improves.
Alternatively, make an herbal tea by adding one teaspoon of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of carom seeds to a cup of water, then boil it until the water reaches to one-half cup. Include some honey and drink this herbal solution two to three times a day.
Another way to use turmeric is to roast turmeric root and grind it into a smooth powder. Blend it with honey and water, and drink it two times a day.


 12. Onion

One of the simplest home remedies for a cough is to cut onions. It can help stop coughing by breathing in the strong vapors.
You can also make a cough syrup from comfrey tea, honey and baked onion juice. Drink it everyday to get relief from a dry cough.
Another option is to combine one teaspoon of pure honey with one-half teaspoon of onion juice. Swallow this solution at least twice a day to  ease the cough and soothe your throat.


 All content provided on this WAY OF MAKING THINGS MUCH BETTER(WOMTMB),"comanuels.blogspot.com", including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes blog only. Blog's owner makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. In connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others, always seek the direct advice of your own doctor.