It’s easy to attract a guy and make him like you. The difficult part is knowing how to make a man fall in love with you.

   You don’t have to change yourself or pretend to be dumb just to make a man you like, feel relaxed and warm whenever he is around with you. If you really want to make a man fall in love with you, it is necessary to understand men and their ways, and make use it to your advantage.


   You know how to attract man’s attention, however do you know how to make him want to go out with you? Discover how to make a man fall in love with you using these simple tips. Apply these tips and you’ll see how simple it can be to connect with a man and make him desire you. And the best part is really you don’t need to change a thing about yourself!

1. Dress attractively

   Men are visual, and women knew it better than anything else. When going out with the man you like, dress your best. If you notice him grinning widely or taking cautious looks at your clothing, you know you’ve hit the nail.
   But dressing attractively doesn’t  simply stop working its magic there. If he noticed other men staring at you or admiring you, it’ll just make him want you more. When it comes to wooing women men are extremely competitive .Win the attention of the man you like and other men in the room, will do him anything to get more attention from you. Obviously, he’ll realize that he is so fortunate to be with you.

2. Be lovely and smile often

   Men can’t ever resist an adorable smile. And if you can be charming and warm when you’re with him, he’ll like you for it. And If you want to know how to make a man fall in love with you, make your hair tuck behind your ear as you answer an awkward question, laugh at his jokes even if you’ve heard it before and blush a bit when you’re being complimented.
   If a guy is attracted to you, he’d  clearly want to impress you with his heroic tales and entertaining stories. By making him reassured that you’re having a nice flirty time, you’re making him feel better about himself. Man always cherish a woman who can make him feel like a better man!


3. Laugh

    More than wanting to be seen as clever, tough or strong, men always want to be a man with sense of humor. The reason is simple, ladies love a man who makes them laugh. It makes a man feel confident, when people appear to be enjoying man's entertaining banter, And that, in turn, it makes men feel good and even sexy. And if every time you see a guy, you leave him a feeling great about himself, he'll begin to connect that feeling with you. and you're near in making him fall in love with you.

4. Don’t be discourteous

   Men are completely put off by discourteous or arrogant ladies. If you can be rude to your date or even a waiter, he wouldn't have the capacity to help but wonder if it’s only the tip of the impolite iceberg. Men definitely love a woman who can stand firm, but if it’s in the form of arrogance, he’d stay a mile far from falling in love.

5. Connect with him intellectually

   Flirty conversations are cute and sweet, and the man you love will like the way that  he’s able to make you blush and go pink. However, all flirting and no seriousness can get can get exhausting after a while. Together On your dates, attempt and connect with him intellectually once in a while. Address him about his ambitions, aspirations and his career goals, and let him see that he can actually have a significant life-altering conversation with you.

6. Be similar to him

   We may not realize it, but we have a natural inclination to strive for individuals who not only have similar interests and backgrounds to us, but also have similar facial appearances. Analysts observed that we're more likely to go for individuals who appear to be like us because we see certain facial attributes as clues to personality. Restrained expressions, wide smiles, laughter lines, frown lines are all indications of what an individual is like, emotional,  friendly, shy, sociable, so we seek out individuals who look as though they'd be compatible with us.

7. But don't go too far

   Here and there, be that as it may, you might find yourself enjoying things you didn't do before simply because you hadn't attempted them and that is fine. So don't hesitate to attempt  the things he does, however if it doesn't feel like a nice fit, drop it. Rather, encourage him to try doing the things you enjoy and appreciate, then see how it works."

8. Work your eye contact

   It’s been seen that romantic eye contact can really make two individuals fall in love with each other in no time. So next time you’re having a conversation with the man, stare deeply into his eyes as he converses with you. You can flirt or smile, but each time your eyes meet, let the eye contact remain or stay alive even if both of you aren’t exchanging words. It makes the man feel fuzzy and warm, and would certainly  stir his heart.
   Locking eyes with a man doesn't just simply let him know you're interested, it can even make him feel like he's beginning to fall in love with you. Because it's the behaviour of loved up couples. Encouraging a man to look into your eyes by keeping up eye contact with him, you can lead his brain towards the thought or idea of love.

9. Lingering soft touches

   If there’s ever a way of knowing how to make a man fall in love with you and be a flirty tease at the same time, this is the simple tip to be considered. Men can’t resist a lingering woman’s touch. So next time you’re with him, be it hugging each other goodbye, or just crossing the road or clasping palms, let your touch stay softly for a moment longer than should be expected. Your touch would be incredibly exciting for the man you love, and you’ll spark a romantic chemistry instantly.
   Want to take this up a score? Wear satiny or soft fabric when you go out on a date with the man you like. He would have a difficult time keeping his hands off you!

10. Hang around... a lot

   This sounds counterintuitive but it's definitely not. Familiarity doesn't breed contempt. Indeed, the more time you spend with each other, the more he'll like you. Very often advertising works because it repeatedly exposes you to a particular product. It's the same with individuals the more time you spend together, taking into account that there's some mutual attraction to begin with, the more you'll develop to like one another.

11. Don’t be easily available

   This is tricky, however its without a doubt an extraordinary approach to make a man fall in love with you. When you’re in love with somebody, you obviously want to be with that individual and spend more time with them. But when you can’t be with the individual you like, you end up missing the individual a lot more.
   Once you know a man likes you a lot as well, try to skip an occasional date sometimes.Although  it’s essential  to spend a lot of time together until the guy falls in love with you, it’s just as equally essential  to give some space sometimes to make sure he understands how impoetant you are, and how much he really needs you.

12.  Acknowledge And Appreciate Him

   A man falls in love with a woman based on how he feels around her. Definitely all  man really wants is to make a woman happy. He wants to feel like a super hero around you. Man has to feel that you love and admire him for who he is, with no  motivation. If you see the things in him that he feels other individuals overlook, he’s going to feel connected to you. When you recognize his best qualities and show your sincere gratefulness, he won’t be able to help falling in love with you.

13. Show off your talents

   If you want to know how to make a man fall in love with you, figure out how to surprise him with your talents ability. He may like you for who you are, however to totally make him fall in love to you, you have to let him figure out that you’re a bundle of  lovable surprises, waiting to be discovered.
   Show off your talent and awe him with the things you do, like playing the piano, singing in right tune or while dancing or even while karting . Give him an opportunity to see your ability and appreciate and admire you for the awesome person you are.

14. Don’t always agree with him

    Compatibility is very essential in a happy relationship. However you don’t always need to accept what the man says or do what he wants to do. A minor disagreement can take him by surprise, but it will make him respect your assessments a lot more.Remember, a man likes to flirt with a fun young lady and have a serious discussion or conversation with an intellectual lady.Try give him the best of both worlds, and seriously, how can a man may not fall in love with you?

15. Don’t let him know you’ve fallen for him

   Men love the pursuit of a good romance. They require significant time to fall in love, however when they do, men fall trully in love. In order to understand how to make a man fall in love with you, it is essential to know the stages of love for men.
   Let the man you like knows that you like him, but never tell him that you’ve fallen head over heels for that man. Always make him wonder about how sincere you are, make him the first one to do the move into a genuine relationship. The longer the  pursuit, the more he would want you. But at the same time, push him away time after time, and he’ll give up on the  pursuit. Play hard to get, but warm up to him frequently .

16. Be a good friend

   This one should be a no brainer but for some reason it frequently gets overlooked. Teasing him, acting fragile, playing hard to get are all ways you can try and trick a man into a kind of love. But the fact is that if you need a man to care about you profoundly, friendship is the key. When at work, with his friends, men are often on guard, being competitive and etc. But when they're with you, they have to feel safe,  game playing might help hook a guy in the first place, however it gets extremely tiring. Listening to him, being supportive, helping him feel good about himself and life in general and making him laugh, are the things that make him really value you. The more he values you, the more he loves you.

17. Care About Him

   Take the time to ask your man how his day was and trully listen to him. Let him talk and show him that you really care about what he needs to say.Some women get caught up in the fantasy of having a boyfriend. They may not think that much about the man they’re with, so long as they are with some individual or companion and don’t have to be alone.
   A man doesn’t like to feel like he’s simply filling the boyfriend space and could readilly be replaced by any other man with a pulse. He wants to feel that the lady he’s dating really cares about him and wants to be with him. In case you're simply faking some way or another through the relationship to have a boyfriend, your man isn’t going to feel connected to you.

18. Give Him Space

   Man don’t fall in love the same way woman does. Man really need space to feel more connected to you. It seems irrational  to women, so they often make an error of smothering a guy when he really needs time on his own. Anyhow don’t take it personally. It’s simply the way men are wired. He needs to feel safe, for a man to be in love. Man has to know that he’s not going to lose his freedom or his identity. If you freak out when he just needs to have some of his fellow guy time and get in touch with his masculine side once more, you’re going to make him feel like he’s losing his freedom.  A man will fall in love with a woman who comprehends that he simply needs time to revive and doesn’t get clingy. Spending time without you when he’s off , that’s when he will understand and acknowledge what he has with you.

You truly don’t need to change a thing about who you are to figure out how to make a man fall in love with you. Everything you need is the perfect balance of playing hard to get and affection patience, a pinch of panache and patience


These simple tips on how to make a man fall in love with you can certainly help you, work your magic and make the man you like fall in love to you, as long as you know to read the signs and make the right move.